Swift Dev Journal
Welcome to Swift Dev Journal, a site with articles and books on developing iOS and Mac apps in Swift. Click on the Articles link at the top of the page to see a list of all the articles. But the complete list of articles is long so the rest of this page has lists of popular articles grouped by topic.
SwiftUI Articles
- Creating a Simple SwiftUI App
- Creating a Master-Detail Interface in SwiftUI
- Passing Data to SwiftUI Views
- Using Text Views in a SwiftUI App
- Make a Markdown Editor in SwiftUI
- Working with Lists in Multiplatform SwiftUI Apps
- Removing Items from SwiftUI Lists in Mac Apps
- Moving List Items Using Drag and Drop in SwiftUI Mac Apps
- Disable a Text Field in a SwiftUI List Until Tapping Edit Button
- SwiftUI Open and Save Panels
- Accessing the Document in a SwiftUI Menu
- Showing a SwiftUI sheet from a Mac Menu
- Adding a Help Menu to a SwiftUI App
Articles for New Swift Developers
- Why Won’t My Xcode Project Build?
- Fixing and Avoiding Crashes in Swift Code
- Crashing with Swift Optionals
- An Introduction to Xcode’s Debugger
- Going from Tutorials to Your First Real App: First Steps
Mac Development Articles
- Resources for Learning Mac Development
- Introduction to Mac Development: Create a Project
- Introduction to Mac Development: Build the UI
- Introduction to Mac Development: Connecting UI Elements
- Make a Simple Mac App in Swift
- Create a Document-Based Mac App in Swift
- Create a Mac Markdown Editor with Live Preview
- UndoManager Introduction
- Working with Open and Save Panels in Mac Apps
- Customizing the About Box in Your Mac App