Creating a SwiftUI Toolbar Button with an Image and a Label

Many toolbar buttons in Mac and iOS apps include an image and a label. The Mac apps Finder, Mail, and Pages are examples of apps whose toolbar buttons have an image and a label.

If you try to create a button in a SwiftUI toolbar with an image and a label, you will notice the label does not appear. You must do the following to create a toolbar button with an image and a label:

  • Create a label style for the button.
  • Add a .labelStyle modifier to your button label and use the label style you created.

Creating a Label Style

To create a label style, you must create a struct that conforms to the LabelStyle protocol. Add a makeBody function to the struct that returns a SwiftUI view.

A label style for a toolbar button should create a VStack with the image first and the text label second. Supply a font to use for the image and the label in the VStack.

struct VerticalLabelStyle: LabelStyle {
  func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
    VStack {

Add the .labelStyle Modifier

After creating the label style for your toolbar button, add a .labelStyle modifier to the button’s label and supply the name of the struct you created for the label style. The following code shows an example of a SwiftUI button that uses a custom label style:

Button(action: {
  isPublishing = true
}, label: {
  Label("Publish", systemImage: "book.closed.fill")
}).accessibilityLabel("Publish Book")


The answer from Eduardo to the following Stack Overflow question helped me with the code for this article:

Add Button with Image and Text in ToolbarItem SwiftUI

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